SPRINGFIELD – Statement from State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey) regarding Governor Rauner’s veto of SB2043, legislation that gave the governor the spending authority to honor his administration’s commitments to the student financial aid program known as the Monetary Award Program.
“It’s embarrassing that we have to fight our governor to get funding for a program that helps put poor students through school. The governor is out of touch with reality. Students in need, especially those at Chicago State, need this program to escape poverty, violence and trouble. It’s time Governor Rauner steps away from his political agenda and stops forcing people to suffer. It’s reckless.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Napoleon Harris III (D-Harvey) introduced legislation that protects college students’ freedom of speech and would prohibit colleges from revoking athletic and academic scholarships as a result of protesting.
Senate Bill 2279 came about after Republican lawmakers in Missouri filed legislation intended to punish African American football players who demanded the resignation of the head of the university after inaction against racism on campus.
“Universities should remain strongholds for progress and freedom of speech,” said Harris, a former Northwestern University football player. “Students shouldn’t be treated like property for earning scholarships. I want to make sure it’s clear that students’ rights are a high priority in Illinois.”
Harris noted that many students on athletic and academic scholarships come from low-income backgrounds and depend on their scholarships as their only means to a college education.
“Legislation like what was introduced in Missouri is unconstitutional,” Harris said. “All students have the right to have their voices heard and no administration should be given the authority to silence them. I want to shut this down before anyone gets any dumb ideas here.”
SPRINGFIELD – Today, State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey) supported legislation that would release Monetary Award Program funding to universities throughout the state.
“Providing low-income students the means to afford a college education should be a priority for any elected official,” Harris said. “We’ve forced these students and universities to wait for this aid for far too long. I’m proud to support people who are trying to better themselves and our communities.”
Springfield, IL - In response to Governor Rauner’s State of the State address, Senator Napoleon Harris III (D-Harvey) has released the following statement:
“This isn’t the time to talk. Words don’t feed seniors, keep college students in school or provide childcare for working families. We’ve heard a lot of talk in the last year, but haven’t seen action. He has yet to grasp the reality of our situation. The lack of a state budget is affecting communities and destroying services people in need depend on. It’s disappointing that the governor believes his agenda comes before the most vulnerable lives in our state. I’m tired of it. We need a budget, not more speeches and not more press conferences.”
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